Born 1961, Sibiu, Romania
Lives and works in Bucharest, Romania
Selected Solo Exhibitions





Naked Drawings, Ludwig Museum, Cologne, Germany
Le quartier Centre d'Art Contemporain, Quimper, France (with Nahum Tevet)
Drawing-Drawing, Gregor Podnar Gallery Lublijana (with Goran Petarcol)
Attila, Protokoll studio Cluj
No Idea, Schnittraum, Cologne, Germany
Ich habe keinnen zeitraum, Brukenthal Museum, Sibiu/ Hermannstadt
Endless Collection, Kunsthalle Göppingen (with Lia Perjovschi)
Kunstverein Arnsberg (with Ricarda Roggan)
Galerie ESBAM, Marseille
3 (6), Ibid. Projects, London (with Nathaniel Mellors)
Working Title, Quartier 21, Museumsquartier Wien (with Lia Perjovschi)
rEST, 48th Venice Biennial, Romanian Pavillion (with SubReal)
Piece & Piece, Norrtalje Konsthall, Sweden
Anthroprogramming, Franklin Furnace, New York
Selected Group Exhibitions










Back to Back, Lombard-Freid Projects, New York
I Stil Believe in Miracles, Dessins Sans Papier, ARC Musee dArt Moderne de la Ville de Paris
9th Istanbul Biennial, Istanbul, Turkey
New Europe: The Culture of Mixing and the Politic of Representation, Generali Foundation Vienna
Just Do It, Lentos Museum Linz
On Difference, Wurtenberghische Kunstverein Stuttgart
Project Migration, Koelnischer Kunstverein
Comunaute, Institut d'Art Contemporain, Lyon
Off site, Collective Gallery, Edinburgh
Love it or Leave it, Cetinje Biennial, Dubrovnik
Johann Koening Galerie, Berlin
Flipside, Artist Space, New York
Open City-Models for Use, Kokerei Zollverein, Zeitgenossische Kunst und Kritik, Essen
In den Schluchten des Balkans, Kunsthalle Fridericianum, Kassel
Undesire, Apexart, New York, NY
Unstable Narratives, hARTware Medien Kunst Verein, Dortmund
Position: Rumanien, Forum A9 Transeuropa, Quartier 21, Museumquartier, Wien
First Göteborg International Biennial, Kunsthalle Göteborg
New Ideas-Old Tricks, hARTware projekte, Dortmund
Conversation - a short notice show, Belgrade Museum of Contemporary Art
Small Talk, Skopje Museum of Contemporary Art
New Ideas - Old Trick, hARTware projekte, Dortmund
Willing Refugees, Kunsthalle Rostock
Arteast Collection, 2000+, Moderna Galerija Lublijana, Orangerie Innsbruck and ZKM Karlsruhe
After the Wall, Moderna Museet Stockholm, Ludwig Museum Budapest Hamburger Bahnhoff, Berlin
Caffe Helga und Galerie Goldankauf, Kunstraum Munchen
Voilà! Le monde dans la tête, Musee d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris
Leaving the Island, PICAF, Pusan, Korea
Faisseur d'histoire, Casino Luxembourg
Rondo, Ludwig Museum, Budapest
Body and the East, Exit Art, New York
Manifesta 2, Luxembourg
Money/Nations, Shedhalle Zurich
Body and the East, Modern Galerija, Ljubljana
IntermediART, Oradea Museum of Art
Public Appearance, Raum fur Kunst, Graz
Selest'Art, Biennale d'Art Contemporain, Selestat, Alsace
Ad-Hoc, Ludwig Museum Budapest
Bucharest nach ‘89, Ludwig Forum fur Internationale Kunst, Aachen
Complexul Muzeal, Arad Art Museum
Experiment: Romanian experimental Art from ‘60 until today, 3-4 Gallery, Bucharest
Beyond Belief, Chicago Museum of Contemporary Art and Institute of Contemporary Art, Philadelphia
Intern, Arad
Erste Schritte, IFA galleries Stuttgart, Bonn, Berlin
Ex Oriente Lux, Dalles Hall, Bucharerst
Since 1993: Participating at all editions of “Zone” International Performance Triennial, Timisoara
Awards and Fellowships




George Maciunas Prize
Artist to Artist, Visiting Arts & Henry Moore Foundation Grant, Glasgow
Artist in residence Collective Gallery, Edinburgh
Artist in Residenceto Festival City (unofficial), Edinburgh
Artist in residence Kokerei Zollverein, Zeitgenossische Kunst und Kritik, Essen
Visiting Professor & Artist in residence École Superieure des Beaux Arts Marseille
Henkel CEE Prize for Contemporary Drawing, Wien
Gheorghe Ursu Human Rights Foundation Award, Bucharest
Artist in residence IASPIS, Stockholm
Visiting Professor & Artist in residence, Duke University, NC
ArtsLink Fellowship, New York
KulturKontakt Fellowship, Vienna
Artist in residence Franklin Furnace, New York
MidAmerica Art Alliance/USIA fellowship
Artist in residence ACA New Smyrna Beach, FL
Artist Publications



Postcards from America, essay by Kristine Stiles Pont la vue Press, New York
Anthropogramming, Franklin Furnace, New York
Piece & Piece, Nortalje Konsthall, Stockholm
Castle Stories, Edition La Mancha, La Napoule Art Foundation
Vis-à-vis, Nemira, Bucharest
New Ideas Old Tricks, hARTware projekte, Dortmund
Flow, Göteborg Biennial, Göteborg
Art of today-Yesterday news, Vienna Museumsquartier, Bucharest
Autodrawing, Kunsthalle Göppingen
I draw-I happy, Schnittraum Koln, Walter Koenig Buchhandlung Koln
Touttes Direction, Le Quartier edition, Quimper
Jumping Alphabet, Truc Spherique, Zilina Slovakia








Wege, Astrid. “Cologne. Dan Perjovschi at Schnittraum.” Artforum, April 2005
Krajewsky, Michael. “Die Welt im Bleistiftformat.” Stadt Revue, no 12, Koln, 2004.
Liviana, Dan. "Dan Perjovschi Walls, Floors, Museums and Mines 1995-2003." Idea Print & Design, Cluj, 2004.
Babias, Marius. "Die Offene Stadt: Anwendungsmodelle." Kokerei. Zollverein/Zeitgenosische Kunst und Kritik, Essen, 2003.
Meyer, Werner. “The absurd Illuminates Cognition in Dan Perjovschi Autodrawings.” Kunsthalle Goppingen, 2003.
Angel, Judit. Quartier 21 Piroschka rev. Lia and Dan Perjovschi, Praesens no 1, page 86-87, Budapest 2003.
Grosse, Julia. “Criticism on its own four walls.” die tageszeitung 11 Jul. 2003: 17.
Coxhead,Gabriel. Ibid Projects 3(6), Contemporary, special issue summer, June-Aug, London, 2002, p. 146-147
Morton,Tim. "Dan Perjovschi, Nathaniel Mellors & A. Araminas." Untitled no 28, summer, London, 2002.
Schmidmaier, Irmgard. "A for Adult. Dizzy wie Dan." Lezebuerger Land no. 40,
p. 24, October 2002, Luxembourg.
Tordai, Attila S. "Aperto Romania." Flash Art no. 233 Nov-Dec 2003, page 61-63.
Working Title, Balcon 12, Cluj 2002.
Hannula, Mika. "Gothenburg International Art Biennial," NU, The Nordic Art Review, vol II, no 5 Stockholm 2001, page 79.
Druhl, Sven. "New Ideas-Old Tricks," hARTware projekte, Dortmund Kunstforum International, 8 Oct 2001.
Dressler, Iris. Dan Perjovschi in "New Ideas- Old Tricks 2001" Hartware 2001, Dortmund 2001 p. 34-36.
Badovinac, Zdenka. Dan Perjovschi in "2000+ The Art of Eastern Europe: A selection of works from Collections of Moderna Galerija Lublijana," Oranjerie Congress - Innsbruck, Folio Verlag, Wien 2001, page 162.
Snodgrass, Susan. "Post-Communist Expressions," Art in America, June 2000, p.47-51.
Stiles, Kristine. 300 words on Dan Perjovschi in After the Wall, vol. II, Museum of Modern Art, Stockholm 1999, p. 152-153.
"Concerning Public Art and Messianic Time in Marius Babias and Achim Konneke," eds. Art & Public Spaces, Verlag der Kunst, Dresden, 1998 excerpt reprinted in Manifesta 2 Luxembourg 1998.
Report II in Dan Perjovschi- rEST, Bucharest 1999, p. 7-9.
Hansen, Josee. "Archiviste du present." Lezebuerger Land 35, Luxembourg, August 1999, p.17.
Zolyom,Franciska. "Changing Dance-Card: Aspects of the Art of Central and Eastern Europe of the 1990's." Rondo, Ludwig Museum of Contemporary Art, Budapest 1999, p.7-21.
Stein, Judith E. "Out of the East." Art in America, April 1998, p. 51-55.
Pintilie, Ileana. "The Public and the Private Body in the Romanian Contemporary Art." Body and the East, Museum of Modern Art Lublijana, 1998, p. 135-138.
"Problems in transit: Performance in Romania." www.artmargins.com.
Martinez, Rosa. "Manifesta." Flash Art, November-December 1998, p.102.
Perjoteca, Erwin Kessler. Revista 22 nr. 28, Bucuresti, iulie 1998, p.14.
Volkart, Yvonne. "Complexul Muzeal." Flash Art, July 1997.
Koplos, Janet. "Dan Perjovschi at Franklin Furnace," Art in America, July 1996, p. 91-92.
Marcoci, Roxana. "Romanian Democracy and Its Discontents." Beyond Belief, Chicago Museum of Contemporary Art, catalog,1995, p. 14-23/116-117.